Cancer and terminal illness stink! Everyone's life has been touched by cancer. So often, when we have a friend or loved one who has been diagnosed with cancer, long term and/or a terminal illness, we don't know what to say or do. Instead of pushing through our feelings we step away. We, at 'blue jeans & roses,' want to help you push through those feelings of personal discomfort and focus on those friends and loved ones around us that need encouragement, love, and just a touch to know they aren't alone. We have developed poetry and photography "Phoetry" to touch the lives of those dealing with their diagnosis or illness. We make it easier for you to encourage and love your loved one, your friend, your family member through the rough times.
We carry a unique product to help you touch the lives of those in need. Let us help you to encourage and love your loved one, your friend, your family member through this time of healing.
We carry a full assortment of products to touch your loved one's, including:
- Cards
- Poetry
- Framed Gifts
- Gift baskets of comfort
- Photography and more